We commissioned a study to compare levels of TSNA’s (Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and Carbonyl Emissions. We took 3 traditional cigarette brands and our Own Label Creations product portfolio, to establish how much safer our products really are.

menthol e liquid from petersham pipes

Petersham Pipes Lab  partnered with ESSENTRA Laboratories to conduct the suite of testing required for the study so that our results were independent.

This does not necessarily equal a 99.73% reduction in risk. ASA Approved Communication. Study conducted independently by ESSENTRA.

Don't believe the scare stories produced by big tobacco to keep you smoking

3 groups of chemical compounds were analysed to determine the levels of harm reduction between Combustible Cigarettes and OLC’s vaping liquids..

VOC’s Volatile Organic Compounds

Organic chemicals that have a high vapour pressure causing evaporation and entry to surrounding air. Large amounts of Toxic VOCs are produced during the burning of tobacco. Through metabolism & chemical binding to DNA they are known to cause Lung, Oral, Esophageal, Liver & Pancreatic Cancer.

TSNA’s Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines

Organic compound carcinogens are formed from nicotine and related compounds by a chemical reaction that occurs during the curing and processing of tobacco.

Known to cause damage to liver, kidney and central nervous system. Some VOC compounds can lead to lung cancer. 


Derived from thermal degradation of sugars within the flavourings due to high combustion temperatures.

  • Formaldehyde –Respiratory irritant that causes chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing and nose/throat irritation.
  • Crotonaldehyde – Potential to cause buildup of fluid within the lungs. Eye, nose & lung irritant.
  • Acrolein – Carcinogen which can lead to lung cancer through the cause of mutations.
  • Acetaldehyde – Can cause liver damage, central nervous system depression and damaging to DNA resulting in cancer. 

Vaping Petersham Pipes E-Liquids is 99% safer than smoking cigarettes.

We commissioned a study to compare levels of TSNA’s (Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and Carbonyl Emissions. We took 3 traditional cigarette brands and our product portfolio, to establish how much safer our products really are.

Petersham Pipes’s laboratory partnered with ESSENTRA Laboratories to conduct the suite of testing required for the study so that our results were independent.

Petersham Pipes Eliquids Virginia Velvet

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