1. Insert the coil into the tank
  2. Fill the tank with e liquid
  3. Re-assemble the tank
  4. Leave to soak for ten minutes
  5. Turn on with 5 quick clicks
  6. All set and ready to vape!

The following videos and diagrams will help you get the most out of your Kamry K1000 plus e pipe. In our shop you will find coils and tanks and everything you need to keep it in perfect shape.

Before filling the pipe screw the atomizer coil supplied into the base of the tank, (if a coil is not already in place) then fill the tank as per the diagram below.

kamry k1000 plus from petersham pipes
What is in the Kamry k1000 plus from Petersham Pipes
Kamry K1000 Plus variable airflow tank
Kamry K1000 Plus variable airflow tank
Kamry K1000 e pipe and all its components
Kamry K1000 e pipe and all its components. Our Tanks are 4ml.
K1000 Plus EPipe Quick Guide
K1000 Plus EPipe Quick Guide
Kamry K1000 Plus from Petersham Pipes contents of gift box
Kamry K1000 Plus from Petersham Pipes contents of gift box